14 Classic, Must-Do Christmas Traditions to Try this Season

Looking for fun, classic family traditions for Christmas?  Family Christmas traditions are the things that make it the most wonderful time of the year! These are what make memories to cherish year after year. They are what being the excitement and magic to the season. These traditions are what (hopefully!) our kids will want to continue into adulthood and maybe even continue when they have their own little family.  As a young family, we are still figuring out which traditions we like and which we want to change to fit and complete “us.”  The point of traditions is foster family …

Our Favorite Toddler Boy & Baby Books

We are avid book readers in our house and our “book time” part of the bedtime routine is my son’s favorite.  We started reading to him daily, even if for only 5 minutes, when he was a few weeks old. Now, we read two books every night as well as occasionally throughout the day.  Our Favorite Places to Get Books: Baby shower  My son has a great collection of books over the past 2.5 years. It started at our baby shower when guests were asked to bring the baby a book. Literati  For my son’s Christmas gift, his aunt got …

Entering Motherhood- From Newlyweds to New Parents

Becoming a mom was something I had wanted forever. Not in an all consuming way like a lot of other girls say- it’s not all that I lived for. But in a way that it was something I always knew I wanted and saw for myself in the future. I got pregnant with my first son in 2020, year of the Covid pandemic. So along with all the changes going on in the world, my friends weren’t around, my family’s presence lessened and along with my husband, our support system was already halved before we even had the baby.  We, …