Homemade Christmas Ornament Gift Idea Using Things you Already Have in your House

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Need a special homemade gift for a grandparent? Forgot to make any homemade ornaments for your tree?Β I got you covered with this homemade Christmas ornament gift you can make with things you likely already have in your house.

With Christmas seasoning going so quickly and two boys can be stubborn, we were running out of time to make our annual Christmas ornament gifts for grandparents. I remember making a dyed noodle craft in kindergarten and I didn’t realize it was so easy so I decided to give it a shot.

My toddler and I made this adorable Christmas photo noodle wreaths to give to grandparents. We used all things we already had in the house and it only took less than an half an hour.Β 

Things you Need:

  1. Noodles
  2. Food coloring
  3. Rubbing alcohol
  4. Ziploc bag
  5. Cardboard or cardstock
  6. Photo
  7. String

How to Make the Wreath Ornament:

  1. Use any noodles you have in your house. I even considered using the Kraft Spiral noodles before I found an old box of random pasta we will probably never use.Β 
  2. Dye your pasta whatever color you want- we did green to make a “wreath” but you could get away with anything. To dye the noodles, put them in a ziploc, add some rubbing alcohol and your food coloring. I didn’t measure anything and I don’t think you can go wrong. Shake the bag to mix them and then pour them on parchment paper or aluminum foil to dry.Β 
  3. Use a random piece of cardboard to cut a circle to use as your wreath “template.” I used the box my noodles came out of for mine. Next time, I would either glue on a piece of green construction paper or color the cardboard green before we glue the noodles on but I didn’t think about it in time today.
  4. Take or find a photo of your kid and glue in on the middle of your cardboard
  5. Glue your green noodles around the photo
  6. Add a string to the back for hanging and write the year

Voila! A wonderful, handmade and free Christmas ornament gift using things you already had in your home.